Xactimate Level 1 Test Guidance Course: 3 Evenings (Sat, Mon, Tue, 4-7 PM)
Purchase both the Level 1 & Level 2 Test Guidance Courses and receive our Huge Digital Tool Kit giving you a leg up on all other new adjusters entering the adjuster field.
2 Evenings & 1 Morning (Wed, Thu, 4-7 PM; Fri, 7 AM-12 PM).
Purchase both the Level 1 & Level 2 Test Guidance Courses and receive our Huge Digital Tool Kit giving you a leg up on all other new adjusters entering the adjuster field.
Includes: 10-Day Claims Adjuster Training Boot Camp plus our new 2-Day
Texas All-Lines Claims Adjuster Licensing & Training Boot Camp Course
Includes: 14-Day Texas All-Lines Claims Adjuster Licensing and Training Boot